



SEM in-situ observation of deformation and fracture process for low carbon steel with lath martensitic microstructure was investigated. The results show that plastic deformation of lath martensite steel occurs by means of slipping. Deformation band is found in a wave manner because dislocation motion is hold along slip plane. The main crack is initiated under the stress peak. In the propagation process of the main crack, micro-crack occurs first in the weak zones in the front of the main crack. With increasing load, the cracks are connected into a new crack and the new crack further propagates in the same manner, resulting in final fracture of the specimen. In the fracture process of the samples, the crack deflects by a larger angle at the packet boundary. Despite the initial fracture stress is relatively high for the specimens with fine prior austenite grain size, the process of deformation and fracture of the specimens with different prior austenite grain sizes is essentially the same.


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