


以棕刚玉、氮化硅和碳化硅为原料在氧化气氛下制成试样.将试样分别在1500 ℃、1550 ℃和1600 ℃保温5 h进行埋炭处理.利用XRD、SEM和EDS等检测方法,结合热力学分析,研究了氧化气氛烧成后试样的物相变化以及高温埋炭条件下Si_3N_4的稳定性.结果表明:氧化气氛烧成后生成一种莫来石固溶体Si_6Al_(10)O_(21)N_4;高温埋炭处理后Si_3N_4和Si_6Al_(10)O_(21)N_4会部分转化为SiC,Si_3N_4向SiC明显转化的温度大于1500 ℃,Si_6Al_(10)O_(21)N_4向SiC明显转化的温度大于1550 ℃.

Taking brown alumina, silicon nitride and carbon silicon as raw materials, the specimens were prepared under oxidization atmosphere. The specimens was embedded in carbon at temperatures of 1500 ℃,1550 ℃ and 1600 ℃ for 5 h respectively. The phase change of the specimens fired under oxidation atmosphere and the stability of Si_3N_4 under carbon-embedded were studied by XRD, SEM and EDS, combining with thermodynamic analysis.The results show that there is a mullite solid solution Si_6Al_(10)O_(21)N_4 created after fired under oxidation atmosphere.Si_3N_4 and Si_6Al_(10)O_(21)N_4 will transform to SiC partly after carbon-embedded, and the transition temperature of Si_3N_4 and Si_6Al_(10)O_(21)N_4 are above 1500 ℃ and 1550 ℃ respectively.


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