The dependence of transformer performance on the material properties was investigated using two laboratory-processed 0.23 mm thick grain-oriented electrical steers domain-refined with electrolytically etched grooves having different magnetic properties. The iron loss at 1.7 T, 50 Hz and the flux density at 800 A/m of material A were 0.73 W/kg and 1.89 T, respectively, and those of material B, 0.83 W/kg and 1.88 T. Model stacked and wound transformer core experiments using the tested materials exhibited performance well reflecting the material characteristics. In a three-phase stacked core with step-lap joints excited to 1.7 T, 50 Hz, the core loss, the exciting current and the noise level were 0.86 W/kg, 0.74 A and 52 dB, respectively, with material A, and 0.97 W/kg, 1.0 A and 54 dB with material B. The building factors for the core losses of the two materials were almost the same in both core configurations. The effect of higher harmonics on transformer performance was also investigated.
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