The Bi_(0.85)Eu_(0.15)FeO_3 thin films are prepared by the sol-gel method on the Pt/Ti/SiO_2/Si substrata.Effect of annealing temperature on the formation of Bi_(0.85)Eu_(0.15)FeO_3 phase is investigated.It is found that the Bi_(0.85)Eu_(0.15)FeO_3 phase appears in the films annealed at low temperature (450℃),but the degree of crystallinity is poor and the impurity phase exists in the films.The well crystalline and single Bi_(0.85)Eu_(0.15)FeO_3 phase of the films annealed at 490~600℃ can be obtained.The dielectric properties,ferroelectric properties,and ferromagnetic properties of the film annealed at 550℃ are investigated.The Bi_(0.85)Eu_(0.15)FeO_3 film shows good dielectric and ferromagnetic properties.When the measuring frequency is 1MHz,the dielectric constant and dielectric loss are 80 and 0.024,respectively.The saturated magnetization is about 26.2emu/cm~3.
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