Corex is an alternative ironmaking process and raceway is one of the'important areas to maintain the stability of the furnace. The raceway parameters are well established for blast furnace operation. But for Corex process, it has not yet been established and optimized. Thus, a mathematical model was developed to determine various raceway parameters such as RAFT (raceway adiabatic flame temperature), tuyere gas velocity and kinetic energy. The model provides an idea about the raceway geometry, zone temperature and kinetic energy accumulated in tuyere gas. Besides, all the raceway parameters have been analyzed to find out their effects on the Corex process. It is found that RAFT influences the gasification reaction kinetics and higher RAFT generates more CO in reduction gas, which improves the metallisation degree of the DRI in shaft. It is also found that increased gas velocity and kinetic energy generate more fines and demand more coke to maintain char bed permeability. High coke rate increases the production cost and lowers the production of hot metal.
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