利用自制的倾斜板内安置扰流柱,可实现三维振动的倾斜剪切流变装置,研究二维振动方向和振动频率对半固态ZL104合金组织的影响,分析振动方向XY、YZ、XZ对半固态ZL104合金组织的作用机理.结果表明:振动方向为XZ时,倾斜板上向下流动的合金液中,初生枝晶和液体之间产生的相对运动较大,初生晶粒之间发生碰撞和摩擦的几率多,晶粒细小,形状圆整;合金液在倾斜板上滞留的时间长,初生固相率高.随振动频率增大,晶粒尺寸减小,形状因子增大.当振动频率为50 Hz时,初生固相率为56.09%,晶粒尺寸为6.53μm,形状因子为0.57.
@@@@The influence of two dimensional vibration directions and frequency on the structures of ZL104 alloy was studied by the disturbing pillars installed in a self-designed sloping board, which is a rheological experimental facility with sloping, cooling and shearing function and three-dimensional vibration function. The action mechanism of vibration direction XY, YZ and XZ on the microstructure of the alloy was analyzed. The results show that on the vibration direction XZ, the relative motion given between primordial dendrite and molten ZL104 alloy is severe in molten ZL104 alloy down flow on the sloping board. Because the probability of collision and friction among the primordial grains is plentiful, the grains are refined, and their shapes are orbicular. The long the residence time of the molten ZL104 alloy on the sloping board, the plentiful the primordial solid phase. With the increase of vibration frequency, the shape factor increases and the grain size decreases. When the vibration frequency is 50 Hz, the proportion of primordial solid phase reaches 56.09%, the grain size is 6.53μm and the shape factor is 0.57.
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