


采用新型sol-gel技术在 Pt/Ti/SiO2/Si基片上制备出了厚度为 2~60μm的PZT铁 电厚膜材料;研究了PZT厚膜的结构及其介电、铁电性能.XRD谱分析显示,PZT厚膜 呈现出纯钙钛矿相结构,无焦绿石相存在.SEM电镜照片显示,PZT膜厚均匀一致,无裂 纹、高致密.厚度为50μm的PZT厚膜的介电常数为860,介电损耗为0.03,剩余极化强度 是25μC/cm.矫顽场是40kV/cm.

Lead zirconate titanate (Pb(Zr0.53Ti0.47)O3, PZT) ferroelectric films 2-60μm in thickness were successfully fabricated on Pt-coated oxidized
Si substrates(Pt/Ti/SiO2/Si) by a new sol gel processing. The microstructure and morphology of the prepared PZT thick films were
investigated via X-ray diffractometry and scanning electron microscopy techniques. X-ray diffraction patterns taken on these films show
single-phase perovskite-type structure, and no pyrochlore phase exists in thick films, and SEM micrographs suggest that the PZT thick films
are of high density, crack-free, and uniformity. Dielectric constant of 860, loss tangent of 0.03, remanent polarization of 25μC/cm2, a coercive field of 40kV/cm were measured on 50μm thick films.


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