在Gleeble?3800热模拟机上对电渣熔铸态镍铜合金NCu30-4-2-1进行高温热压缩实验,研究该合金在900~1100℃和应变速率为0.01~10 s?1条件下的流变应力行为.结果表明:在变形初期,随着应变的增加,流变应力增大,出现峰值后逐渐趋于平稳;随着温度的升高,峰值应力减小,而随着应变速率的增大,峰值应力增大,求得镍铜合金NCu30-4-2-1的热变形激活能Q为416.5 kJ/mol,Zener-Hollomon参数的对数和峰值应力的对数较好地满足线性关系,建立了镍铜合金NCu30-4-2-1的流变应力方程;合金的显微组织受变形温度和显微组织的影响,变形温度越高,应变速率越低,越有利于动态再结晶的发生.
@@@@The flow stress behavior of nickel-copper alloy NCu30-4-2-1 electroslag castings during hot compression was studied by thermal simulation test at the deformation condition of 900?1 100 ℃and 0.01?10 s?1 on the Gleeble?3800 thermal-mechanical simulator. The results show that the flow stress increases with increasing strain and tends to be constant after a peak value. The peak stress increases with increasing strain rate, and decreases with increasing deformation temperature. The calculated hot deformation activation energy is 416.5 kJ/mol. The logarithm of Zener-Hollomon parameter has a good linear relationship with the logarithm of peak stress, and the flow stress equation of nickel-copper alloy NCu30-4-2-1 was established. The microstructure strongly depends on the deformation temperature and strain rate, and lower strain rate promotes the dynamic recrystallization.
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