提出了两类用于制备晶粒有序Si基纳米发光材料的方案. 一种是利用固体表面预成核位置的有序化, 如台阶表面、再构表面、 吸附表面以及图形表面等加以实现. 另一种则是通过控制自组织生长成核过程的有序性, 如退火诱导晶化、引入埋层应变、异种原子掺杂以及分子自组装等加以实现. 评论了这些制备方法的最新进展, 并展望了它的未来发展趋势.
The study of the structural characterizations, physical properties and fabricated methods on the Si--based nanometer materials has attracted much attention because of their potential applications in the optoelectronic--integrated technology. Self--assembled growth methods are of increasing interest as a main formed technology of high quality nanostructures such as nanoquantum dots, nanoclusters and nanoscale films. In particular, self--assembled formations of the nanometer materials with controlled crystallite size and density distribution are very important for optoelectronic device applications. Two routes for the fabrication of these materials were proposed in this paper. First, controlling the orderliness of preferential nucleated sites on solid--state surface can obtain the materials. Second, controlling the orderliness of nucleated process during self--assembled growth will form them. New progress of these fabricated methods was reviewed, and the tendency of development in the near future was predicated.
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