随着工业的发展, 富Cr合金在H2-H2O气氛下的氧化行为越来越常见. 与空气等氧化性气氛相比, 在H2-H2O气氛中, 富Cr合金形成的氧化膜的抗剥落性能、形貌、合金的氧化速率以及活性元素对其影响等都有较大区别, 本文从以上几个方面综述了H2-H2O气氛下富Cr合金氧化行为的研究进展.
With industrial development, the oxidation behavior of alloys rich in chromium in H2-H2O mixtures becomes more common. Great difference was observed in oxidation behavior of the alloys, such as the oxidation kinetics, surface morphology and spallation resistance, as well as the reactive element effect on performance of the formed oxide scales of the alloys oxidized in H2-H2O mixures rather than in high oxygen partial pressure gases such as in air. In this paper the oxidation behavior of Cr rich alloys in H2-H2O mixtures was reviewed in terms of the facts mentioned above.
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