针对底吹气液两相流过程的非均匀性和气泡运动过程随机性,本文从理论上提出用气液分离流动模式处理气液两相流动的方法,建立了随机轨迹分离流数学模型。该模型在Lagrangian时间序列坐标系中分析气泡的流动特性,在Eulerian空间位置坐标系中描述液体的紊流流动过程;气液相间的相互作用以气泡源项的形式在Eulerian场中予以分析;气泡的轨迹由Monte Carlo随机采样方法确定。为便于与前人的工作相比较,本文还采用均相流模型进行解析计算。研究结果表明,本文提出的分离流模型理论上合理,其计算结果与实测结果比较一致。
A separated flow model with stochastical trajectories has been develop-ed to describe the fluid flow in a bubble stirred ladle. The bubble dispersion, tur-bulent characteristics and gas liquid interactions can be predicted by this mathema-tic model. The bubble flow as a dispersed phase is treated in Lagrangian frame ofreference and the analysis of the turbulent flow for liquid phase is conducted inEulcrian field. The interactions between bubbles and liquid phase are considered asa bubble source term in the control equation for continuous phase. The Monte Carlosampling method is used to determine bubble trajectories. The homogeneous flowmodel is also taken into consideration so that it can be compared with the separatedflow model. Numerical predictions for a water model of a ladle show that thepredicting results for the separated flow model are satisfatory quantitative agreementwith experiment ones, but the predicting ones for homogeneous model are at variancewith experiment ones.
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