采用有限元数值模拟与成形工艺实验相结合的方法, 对0.84 mm厚的TC1M钛合金板材杯形件室温拉深成形及回弹过程进行了研究. 结果显示, 拉深制件不仅出现凸耳和杯口厚度不均等熟知的现象, 还揭示出因钛合金各向异性所引发的杯口内壁非圆化, 这类形状畸变对制件的几何精度将产生不利影响. 600℃温热拉深能有效地抑制卸载回弹, 杯口内壁非圆化得以消除, 但却无法改变钛板的各向异性性质, 凸耳和杯口厚度不均等畸变现象依然存在.
Titanium alloy sheets exhibit significant plastic anisotropy that can be attributed principally to the presence of texture. Such plastic anisotropy has pronounced effects on subsequent sheet metal forming and springback processes. In the present paper, cylindrical cup drawing processes with titanium alloy sheets TC1M of 0.8mm thickness were simulated using ADINA FEM software. Three sorts of shape distortions phenomena exhibit in the drawing cups fabricated in room temperature after elastic recovery process: the inner wall is no longer a cylindrical surface, the lip periphery becomes wavy and the thickness distribution becomes unhomogeneous. A series of cup drawing tests were conducted and reasonable agreement was obtained between the predicted and measured profiles.
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