Development of key technologies in plastic forming of titanium alloys is reviewed, focusing on two essentially important aspects, that is, shape forming and microstructure control. Force-saving plastic forming technologies for shape forming are discussed on their applications in manufacturing large-scale complex-shaped titanium components. Some samples of isothermal forming and continuous/intermittent local loading forming of titanium components are presented and discussed. Moreover, springback control and preform optimization are discussed as the important aspects of precision forming technology, and fracture control and underfill control approaches are discussed as aspects of defects control technology as well. In review of microstructure control technologies, mechanism and rules of microstructure evolution, for instance, the evolutions of texture and morphology, are discussed at first, and then several representative numerical modeling approaches, such as internal variables modeling, crystal plasticity modeling and cellular automata modeling, are discussed. In the end, trends, challenges and developments in plastic forming of titanium alloy are presented.
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