The layer and in-plane structure of CuCl2-GICs, synthesized with expanded graphite, was detected by TEM. The Ic values of the 2-,3-,4-stage
CuCl2-GICs calculated on the X-ray diffraction patterns was similar to the theoretical values. The parameter of the in-plane structure was calculated
on the selected area electron diffraction pattern. The diffraction spots of the GICs consist of single spots of carbon atom plane of graphite and triple
spots of chloride. The single spots imply that carbon atom of the in-plane of GICs is put in the order of the hexagonal net of graphite. Compared with
the size of carbon atom, the triple spots of chloride signify that there are three sizes of the molecule of cupric chloride. According to the lattice of CuCl2-GICs,
there are three kinds of super-structure:(2×2)R(30°, (71/2×71/2)R(0°), (31/2×31/2)R(0°). The angles of the lattice of cupric chloride and carbon atom are 30° in
the 2-stage and 3-stage CuCl2-GICs, 0° in 1-stage CuCl2-GICs. According to electron diffraction pattern, high resolution image, chemical compounds
analyses, XPS-ESCA and XAES, the frame of micro-structure of the CuCl2-GICs was made.
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