The anode gas/electrolyte two-phase flow occurring during the transport process of alumina in the melts of aluminum reduction cells was simulated numerically by using an Euler-Euler two-fluid model coupled with a transport equation for alumina concentration. A modifiedk–ε turbulence model was used to describe the liquid phase turbulence in the simulation by assuming the pseudo turbulence resulted from anodic gas. The effects of alumina dissolution and consumption were involved in the alumina transport equation. The simulated results show that both anode gas forces and electromagnetic forces (EMFs) have a significant impact on the bath flow field. The anode gas forces have certain effect on the uniform alumina distribution in some local positions, but the EMFs have a wider range of influence and promote the transport process in alumina in the whole cell quickly. The concentration distribution can reach a periodic state, and this final periodic state is independent of the initial condition. The feeding points should be located at the intersection positions of central channel and inter-anode channel as well as the edge of the large vortex streamlines to speed up the dissolution and transport process of alumina, resulting in the more uniform alumina distribution.
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