在沉积温度为1080--1200℃、沉积总压力为10 kPa和气体滞留时间为0.01 s的条件下, 以天然气为碳源, 以氮气为载气, 使用新型ICVI工艺对预制体初始密度为0.43 g/cm$^{3}$(纤维体积分数25%)的2D针刺整体炭毡进行致密化, 在150 h内制备出表观密度为1.75 g/cm3的C/C复合材料. 用偏光显微镜和高分辨扫描电镜观察了热解碳基体的微观组织结构, 分析了三点弯曲试样的断口形貌. 结果表明: 制备的C/C复合材料具有粗糙层(RL)组织结构, 试样的弯曲强度为164.77 MPa、模量为21.34 GPa, 表现为阶梯式失效, 断裂行为呈现出明显的假塑性.
A 2D carbon fiber preform (bulk density 0.43 g/cm3) was infiltrated by novel ICVI in temperature 1080–1200 oC, pressure 10 KPa, gas residence time 0.01 s, using natural gas as carbon source, N2 as diluent gas, and the C/C composites were obtained. The flexural strength was measured by three–point bonding tests, the microstructures of pyrocarbon matrix and the morphologies of fractured surfaces were observed by polarized light microscopy (PLM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The results show that the bulk density of 2D–C/C composites manufactured in 150 h is 1.75 g/cm3, its texture is pure rough laminar, flexural strength and flexural modulus are 164.77 MPa and 21.34 GPa respectively. The fracture of C/C composites exhibits a pseudo–plastic failure behavior.
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