


Ti-6Al-4V and QAl 10-3-1.5 diffusion bonding has been carried out with Ni/Cu interlayers. The diffusionbonded joints are evaluated by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS)and microhardness test. Intermetallic compounds at the interface zone are detected by X-ray diffraction (XRD). Interfacial microstructure of TiNi+CuTi3+α-Ti forms at the Ni/Ti-6Al-4V transition zone and Cu (ss. Ni) solid solution forms between Ni/Cu interlayers. The thickness of reaction layer (TiNi) increases with bonding time by a parabolic law:y2=K0exp(-150000/RT)t, and K0=2.9×10-7 m2/s is figured out from the experiment data.


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