Piezoelectric ceramics (K_(0.5) Na_(0.5))NbO_3-LiNbO_3-xMnO_2 are prepared by traditional ceramic process. The phase structure is analyzed. The results show that the phase structure changes from tetragonal phase to orthogonal phase with the content of MnO_2 increasing. The new phase K_3LiNb_6O_(17) is formed. The effect of MnO_2 doping on the piezoelectric properties is investigated. When the content of MnO_2 increases, the mechanical coupling factor k_p and piezoelectric constant d_(33) decrease, while the mechanical quality factor Q_m increases. When the content of MnO_2 is 0.8%, the piezoelectric properties of the ceramic are as follows: k_p=0.34, k_t=0.43, d_(33) =110pC/N, Q_m=401.3, respectively.
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