


通过对SnAgCu焊膏/Cu焊接界面IMC层和力学性能进行分析,研究了助焊剂中添加咪唑类缓蚀剂A和喹啉类缓蚀剂B及其复配对SnAgCu焊膏焊接性能的影响.利用扫描电镜(SEM)和能量色散谱仪(EDS)分别对IMC层的微观结构和焊点的组织成分进行观察和分析,采用力学试验机测试焊点的剪切强度和拉伸强度,并通过SEM观察其断口形貌.研究结果表明:缓蚀剂对界面IMC层的生长起到一定控制作用,不添加任何缓蚀剂时,IMC层厚度不均匀,部分呈粗大的柱状结构,平均厚度为7.6μm;而添加0.5%A和0.5%B复配缓蚀剂的焊膏,IMC层最薄而且致密均匀,厚度为3.4μm;添加0.5%A和0.5%B复配缓蚀剂的焊膏,获得了最大的剪切强度和抗拉强度,其中剪切强度为47.92 MPa,剪切断裂模式为韧性断裂,抗拉强度为99.28 MPa,拉伸断裂模式为脆性断裂.

The influences of adding imidazole medicament corrosion inhibitor A or KuiLin kind corrosion inhibitor B or their compound into flux on welding performance of SnAgCu solder paste were studied by analyzing SnAgCu solder paste,interfacial IMC(intermetallic compound) of Cu welding interface and mechanical properties.Scanning Electricity Microscope(SEM) and Energy Dispersive Spectrometer(EDS) were used to observe and analyze the IMC layer microstructure and the composition of solder joint.Mechanical Testing Machine was used to test the shear strength and tensile strength of solder joint,and the shear fractography was measured by SEM.The results indicate that the corrosion inhibitor controls the growth of IMC layer.The average thickness of IMC layer is 7.6 μm without corrosion inhibitor addition,the IMC layer is uneven and with some column structure.The IMC layer,by adding 0.5wt%A and 0.5wt%B,is 3.4 μm thickness,very density and uniformity,and at the same time,the greatest shear strength,47.92 MPa,and tensile strength,99.28 MPa are obtained.The shear fracture mode is gliding fracture,and the tensile fracture mode is brittle fracture.


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