模拟飞机服役环境,对未涂抹及涂抹缓蚀剂的航空LY12铝合金搭接试验件进行了腐蚀试验和疲劳试验.通过对试验件分解检查,分析了腐蚀环境对涂抹缓蚀剂航空LY12铝合金典型螺栓搭接件的影响.对缓蚀剂对搭接件的疲劳性能的影响进行了统计和分析.结果表明,相同腐蚀时间,未涂抹缓蚀剂试验件的螺栓孔附近和搭接面腐蚀程度较涂抹缓蚀剂试验件严重,缓蚀剂可有效减缓腐蚀,且不同的缓蚀剂类型对腐蚀的减缓程度不同.一般环境下,涂抹缓蚀剂的试验件比未涂抹缓蚀剂试验件的疲劳寿命有所减少,应力水平越小影响程度越明显;腐蚀40 d后,涂抹缓蚀剂的试验件较未涂抹缓蚀剂的试验件寿命育所增加,且不同应力水平和缓蚀剂类型对疲劳寿命的影响程度不同.
Corrosion test and fatigue test were carried out for LYl2 aluminium alloy lap joints with and without corrosion inhibitors.Influence of corrosion environment on LY12 aluminium alloy typical bolt lap joints daubed with corrosion inhibitors was analysed by overhauling specimens.Influence of corrosion inhibitors on fatigue property of lap joints was collected and analysed.The results show that faying surface of specimens without corrosion inhibitors corroded more severely during the same time,corrosion inhibitors can inhibite corrosion,and the effectiveness of various corrosion inhibitors is different In general environment,the fatigue life of specimens daubed with corrosion inhibitors reduced,influence extent is increasing obviously with the decrease of stess level.After 40 d corrosion,the fatigue life of specimens daubed with corrosion inhibitors increased,and influence extent is different with various stress level and corrosion inhibitors.
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