以金属和升华硫为原料, 利用温度梯度法合成硫化物; 并用合成的MgS+1.5%ZrS2 作为固体电解质, 以Mo+MoS2作为参比极研制了硫浓差电池. 在1623 K利用该电池 对碳饱和铁水(氧的活度a[O]≤2×10 -6)中的硫含量进行了测定. 进一步优化了硫浓差电池的结构, 解决了电解质管的炸裂和漏气问题, 同时采用特殊 工艺抑制了硫化物水化. 结果表明, 该硫浓差电池的电动势信号稳定, 重现性好且持 续时间长.
Large amount of sulphides were synthesized safely by a temperature gradient method using metals and sublimed sulfur as the raw materials, and a sulphur concentration cell was developed by using MgS+1.5%ZrS2 as solid electrolyte and Mo+MoS2 as reference electrode. The sulphur content in carbon--saturated liquid iron (oxygen activity degreea[O] ≤2×10 -6) at 1623 K was determined by using the prepared sulphur concentration cell. The gas leakage and splitting crack were solved by optimizing the structure of solid electrolyte tubes, hydration and oxidation of the sulphide were also avoided by using special processes. The results showed that the sulphur concentration cell could be continuously used with stable signals and good reproducibility.
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