


Synthesis and structure of the complex NH4[Yb(Cydta) (H2O)2]*5H2O(Cydta=trans-1,2-cyclohexanediaminetetraacetic acid) were reported. The crystal and molecular structures of the title complex were determined by single-crystal X-ray structure analysis. The crystal of the complex NH4[YbⅢ(Cydta)(H2O)2]*5H2O belongs to triclinic crystal system and P(1) space group. The crystal data are as follows: a=0.8584(4) nm, b=1.0040(4) nm, c=1.4418(6) nm, V=1.2025(9) nm3, Z=2, M=659.49, Dc=1.821 g*cm-3, μ=3.963 mm-1 and F(000)=662. The final R and Rw values for 4093 (I>2θ(I)) unique reflections are 0.0454 and 0.0927, and the R and Rw values for 4877 (all data) are 0.0624 and 0.0985, respectively. The complex anion [Yb(Cydta)(H2O)2]- has a pseudo square antiprismatic eight-coordinate structure in which the six coordinate atoms, two N and four O, are from a Cydta ligand and two water molecules coordinate to Yb(Ⅲ) ion directly as the another two ligands.


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