


为提高AlON陶瓷材料的力学性能、降低成本,以廉价Al和Al_2O_3粉为原料,利用常压烧结方法一步原位合成了AlON陶瓷材料.研究了成分配比和烧结助剂对材料的物相组成、密度、抗弯强度和显微组织的影响.结果表明:Al与Al_2O_3的最佳质量配比为13:87.未添加烧结助剂时,材料的最高烧结密度为2.74 g/cm~3,抗弯强度为246 MPa.添加烧结助剂(SiO_2-Y_2O_3-CaF_2)以后,材料的最高烧结密度提高到3.62 g/cm~3、抗弯强度提高到321 MPa,超过热压烧结制备AlON陶瓷材料的性能.

In order to increase mechanical properties and reduce , aluminium with low-price and alumina powder were utilized as raw material, and one-step synthesis of AlON ceramic materials were prepared by one-step in situ synthesis. The influences of chemical composition and sintering additive on material phase composition, microstructure, density and mechanical properties were investigated. The results show that optimal mass ratio of Al to Al_2O_3 was 13:87. Without sintering additive, the maximum density value only was 2.74 g/cm~3, and the flexural strength value was 246 MPa. After sintering additive of SiO_2-Y_2O_3-CaF_2 added, the density was greatly increased to 3.62 g/cm~3, and the flexural strength was also increased to 321 MPa, which exceeded the properties of AlON ceramic material via hot pressure sintering.


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