


用溶胶-凝胶法合成了Ca3-xSmxCo4O9(x=0,0.15,0.3和0.45)化合物粉体,并用SPS(Spark Plasma Sintering)烧结方法制备出相对密度>95%的块体材料.研究了Sm掺杂对其高温热电性能的影响.结果表明:在Ca位用Sm替代后材料的Seebeck系数和电阻率都增大,热导率降低.当Sm的掺杂量为10%(即 x=0.3)时可获得最佳的热电性能,1000K时它的ZT值可达0.3.

Ca3-xSmxCo4O9+δ(x=0, 0.15, 0.3 and 0.45) polycrystalline samples were prepared by using
sol-gel process followed by SPS sintering. Their thermoelectric properties were carefully studied from room temperature to 1000K. The substitution of
Sm for Ca results in the increase of both Seabeck coefficient and electrical resistivity, which could be attributed to the decrease of carrier concentrations.
The Sm substituted samples (x=0.15, 0.3) have lower thermal conductivity than Ca3Co4O9+δ due to their lower electronic and lattice
thermal conductivities. The dimensionless figure of merit ZT reaches 0.3 at 1000K for the sample of Ca2.7Sm0.3Co4O9+δ.


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