以多孔钛粉末烧结板为基材,制得钛基β-PbO2微孔渗透电极并对其性能进行表征。主要制备步骤为盐酸侵蚀、热分解涂覆锑掺杂二氧化锡(ATO)中间层及电沉积β-PbO2层。结果表明,多孔钛板自身的粒子堆积结构和酸蚀后的蜂窝状结构为附着层提供了约0.53 m2/g的比表面积和有效的应力补偿。ATO能够以固溶体形式与钛基材紧密结合形成致密的保护层。所得钛基β-PbO2微孔渗透电极表面均匀致密,渗透性能良好。在0.5 mol/L硫酸溶液中,其析氧电位达1.85 V,电流密度4 A/cm2下的电极寿命超过38 h。
A microporous permeable titanium-basedβ-PbO2 electrode was prepared using powder-sintered porous titanium plate as substrate through the following steps: (1) pickling with hydrochloric acid; (2) preparing an antimony-doped tin dioxide (ATO) intermediate layer by thermal decomposition; and (3) electrodepositing β-PbO2 coating. The properties of the electrode were characterized. The results showed that the packed structure of particles in porous titanium plate and the honeycomb-like structure after acid picking offer a specific area of 0.53 m2/g and effective stress compensation for adhesive layer. ATO can bond with titanium substrate closely in the form of solid solution, forming a protective layer. The permeable Ti-basedβ-PbO2 electrode features uniform and compact surface and good permeability, and has an oxygen evolution potential of 1.85 V and a service life of 38 h at a current density of 4 A/cm2 in 0.5 mol/L H2SO4 solution.
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