


采用交流电沉积法制备Pd纳米线阵列电极催化剂,循环伏安法测定催化剂对甲醇的电催化氧化活性,用AFM、TEM、XRD和XPS表征Pd纳米线的组织形貌、晶体结构和化学状态.结果表明:Pd纳米线的直径为65~75 nm,径向表面呈毛刺结构,处于体心立方晶体结构的单质态.Pd纳米线阵列电极在KOH碱性介质中对甲醇的电催化氧化活性比其平板电极高约14倍,比文献中负载型Pt纳米颗粒催化剂在酸性介质中的催化活性高50~150倍,且具有较好的稳定性.

Palladium nanowire array electrode catalysts were prepared by AC electro-deposition method. The electro-catalytic oxidation activities for methanol were measured by cyclic voltammetry. The morphology, crystal structure and chemical state of Pd nanowires were characterized by AFM, TEM, XRD and XPS. The results indicate that the diameter of Pd nanowires was about from 65 to 75 nm, their radial surface was not smooth but coarse, and they were simple substance with body centered cubic structure. The electro-catalytic activity of Pd nanowire array electrode for methanol in KOH was about 14 times higher than that of Pd plane electrode and 50-150 times higher than that of carbon supported Pt nanoparticles catalysts in acid media in the reported researches. Moreover, the stability of this electrode was good.


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