The dealloying mechanism of the duplex-phase Cu-20Zr cast alloy and sputtered Cu-20Zr film in hydrochloric acid solution was investigated using the electrochemical methods, chemical and surface analysis technique. Results showed the duplex-phase in cast Cu-20Zr alloy is composed by two phases, one is the Zr-rich Cu51Zr14 phase, the anothers is the eutectoid of the Cu and Cu51Zr14 phase. The rich-Zr Cu51Zr14 phase selectively dissolves owing to its more reactivity at the low anodic potential, which illustrates the dissolution mechanism of the Cu-20Zr alloy is decided by the stability of the microstructure.The study of the corrosion rules of sputtered Cu-20Zr film shows further that the dissolution process of each element is different at the different polarized potential. When the potential is lower than the redox of Cu/Cu2+ ,the dissolution of Zr atoms is the main process;when the potential is higher than redox of Cu/Cu2+, Zr and Cu atoms in the film simultaneously dissolve, and the dissolution rate of Cu atoms is higher than that of Zr atoms. Subsequently ,Cu ions react with Cl ioms in the electrolyte, and form the corrosion product of Cu (I) and Cu (II) complex compound. These corrosion products covered the surface of the film,retarded the dissolution of Cu atoms.Zr atoms still dissolve continually with increasing the potential.
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