将不同比表面积的熟料和粉煤灰分别混合制得不同比表面积的粉煤灰水泥,分别测定粉煤灰水泥胶砂强度和熟料、粉煤灰的颗粒尺寸分布.运用灰色系统原理分别就熟料和粉煤灰的颗粒尺寸分布对水泥强度的影响进行数学分析.研究表明:熟料颗粒粒径在0~30 μm为正关联,>30 μm为负关联,其中10~20 μm颗粒对水泥强度的影响最大;粉煤灰颗粒粒径在0~40 μm为正关联,且其活性较高,>40 μm颗粒为负关联,其活性没有得到充分发挥.
Fly ash cement samples with different specific surface area were prepared from Portland cement clinker and flay ash with different specific surface area. Mortar strength development of the fly ash cement and the particle size distribution of the clinker and fly ash were measured respectively, then the gray correlation analysis was carried out on the properties of cement mortar with the particle size distribution of clinker and fly ash. The results showed that clinker particles with size 0-30 μm correlated with the properties of cement positively, and those with size lager than 30 μm correlated with the properties of cement negatively, among which clinker particles with size between 10-20 μm contributed the most to the strength development of cement mortar. Fly ash particles with size 0- 40 μm correlated with the properties of cement positively, thus being more actively, and those with size lager than 40 μm correlated with the properties of cement negatively, contributed less to the strength development of cement mortar.
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