


为了拓展宽幅硅钢等对边降有特殊要求的高端产品的规格,提升某1 700mm冷连轧机组的带钢边降控制功能,克服生产中存在的单锥度辊窜辊行程小、窜辊功能使用不充分、边降波动明显等问题,对单锥度工作辊辊形及边降控制窜辊策略进行了研究,提出了单锥度辊边降控制段的设计方法。运用ANASYS 9.0建立了单锥度辊轧机三维有限元仿真模型,分析了轧机的板形控制特性。采用影响系数法,建立了冷连轧静态综合分析数学模型,研究了来料厚度波动和来料硬度波动对冷连轧机生产产生的影响。通过分析可以看出:单锥度辊轧机通过工作辊窜辊可增强其辊缝横向刚度,提高了轧机克服来料波动能力和轧制的稳定性。现场轧制试验表明:采用该单锥度辊及窜辊策略,带钢边降由14.9μm下降至7.5μm,边降波动被控制在±5μm范围内,边降波动得到了一定的抑制。

In order to increase the strip specification such as silicon steel which required high precision on the edge drop control, and to improve the capability of strip edge drop control of 1 700 mm tandem cold roiling mill and elimi hate the problems such as a small shifting stroke of the taper roll, no enough use of roll shifting function and the oh vious fluctuation of strip edge drop, the contour design method of the edge control part of taper roll was proposed after studying the taper roll contour and its edge drop control shifting strategy. The finite element method was built by the software ANASYS 9.0 to analyze the mill shape adjusting characteristics. The mathematical model of static comprehensive analysis for tandem cold roiling was built and the influences on the cold rolling production were stud led because of the thickness fluctuation and hardness fluctuation of incoming hot rolled product. After analyzing, it was seen that the gap transverse stiffness was remarkably improved by taper work roll shifting, so the anti-fluctua tion ability of incoming hot rolled product was strengthened and rolling stability was improved. It is shown in the roll- ing trial that the strip edge drop average is decreased from 14.9/~m to 7.5/xm and the fluctuation of strip edge drop is re- strained to some extent and controlled within ± 5μm after using the taper roll designed by the designing method.


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