


采用MEVVA离子源技术对由磁过滤阴极真空电弧沉积的TiN薄膜注入不同剂量的Si元素,利用XPS和纳米硬度仪表征Si离子注入后化学成分、元素键合状态以及硬度的变化。结果表明,Si离子注入后,薄膜表面硬度得到提高,5×1016 ions/cm2的样品硬度峰值从27.18 GPa增加到39.85 GPa,随着注入剂量的增加,纳米硬度峰值有下降的趋势,1×1017 ions/cm2的样品硬度峰值为33.27 GPa,但表面改性层的深度增加,纳米硬度在一定的深度范围内得到了整体的提高。离子注入使薄膜表面层的弹性模量显著提高,表层弹性模量随注入剂量的增加而提高。并且由于Si元素的注入,形成了新的微结构相Si3N4,新相的含量与注入剂量有关。

Metal vapor vacuum arc (MEVVA) ion source was used to implant silicon ion into TiN coatings with varied dose. X-ray photoelectron sectroscopy (XPS) was employed to investigate the profile of the chemical composition. Nanoindenter tested the nanohardness of Si-implanted TiN coatings. The results revealed that the nanohardness of Si-ion implanted TiN coatings changed remarkably, 5×1016 ions/cm2 sample’s nanohardness peak increased to 39.85 from 27.18 GPa, with the implanted dose increased, nanohardness peak had the tendency to decrease, 1×1017 ions /cm2 sample’s hardness peak was 33.27 Gpa, but implantation layer was increased overall in a certain depth range. New microcrystalline phases Si3N4 were formed which have been proved by XPS, and the new nanophase has influence on mechanical property of coatings.


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