The structure, magnetic and microwave-absorption properties of graphite-coated (Fe, Ni) alloy nanocapsules, synthesized by the arc-discharge method, have been studied. High-resolution transmission electron microscopy shows that the nanocapsules have a core/shell structure with (Fe, Ni) alloy as the core and graphite as the shell. All (Fe, Ni) alloy nanocapsules/paraffin composites show good microwave-absorption properties. The optimal reflection loss (RL) was found for (Fe70Ni30)/C nanocapsules/paraffin composites, being -47.84 dB at 14.6 GHz for an absorber thickness of 1.99 mm, while the RL values exceeding -10 dB were found in the 12.4– 17.4 GHz range, which almost covers the Ku band (12.4–18 GHz). For (Fe70Ni30)/C nanocapsules/paraffin composites, RL values can exceed -10 dB in the 11.4–18 GHz range with an absorber thickness of 1.91 mm, which cover the whole Ku band.
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