The combustion process of pulverized coal was investigated by non-isothermic integral thermogravimetry. The thermogravimetry curves were fitted by the Coats-Redferm approximation function, and kinetic parameters and characteristic temperatures were obtained. The optimal mixing ratio and particle size can be ascertained. The characteristic temperature of pulverized coal can be obtained from the thermogravimetry curve, and the combustion of coal can be divided into homogeneous and heterogeneous combustion according to the differential thermal analysis curve. The activation energy of a single type of coal ranking from low to high is as follows: bituminous coal, meager-lean coal, and anthracite. In the first mixing method, with more low-price meager-lean coal B replacing high price anthracite A, the activation energy slightly decreases; with more bituminous coal replacing meager-lean coal, total tendency makes a declining of activation. In the later mixing method, with an increase in particle size, a declining activation energy can be seen in total tendency.
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