


本文用电化学技术测氢渗透瞬变曲线的方法,研究了pH、H_2S浓度、温度、NaCl浓度及电位等环境因素对钢在硫化物应力开裂中氢渗入钢难易的影响。 研究结果表明,用这一方法所得到的结论,与前人用传统的定载荷拉伸、定变形弯曲或其它方法试验所得的结论平行不悖,因此,认为用电化学技术测氢渗透瞬变行为,对研究环境因素对钢的抗硫化物应力开裂影响,将是一种有用的手段。

An electrochemical hydrogen permeation transient method was used to study the effect of environmental factors, such as pH.concentration of H_2S, temperature, concentration of NaCl and electrode potential, on the hydrogen entry in sulfide stress cracking (SSC) of steel. Experimental data showed that the conclusions obtained agree with those published in literature by various authors as obtained by traditional constant load, constant deflection or other methods.Accordingly, the authors hold that the electrochemical hydrogen permeation transient method would be a very useful means in studying the effect of environmental factors on SSC.


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