


环路热管是一种靠蒸发器的毛细芯产生毛细力来驱动回路运行,利用工质相变来传递热量的高效传热装置.本文研制了一套不锈钢外壳,以氨为工质的小型平板式环路热管(mLHP),并着重研究其在不同热负荷条件下启动特性及变工况条件下的稳定运行特征,通过对平板 mLHP 运行机制理论分析,建立了合理的数学物理模型,实现了对整个系统动态仿真.实验结果表明,小型平板式 mLHP 可以在不同热流密度下快速启动,并具有良好的适应变热负荷能力.实现了平板式 mLHP 系统中各个主要节点的压力、温度和流量的动态仿真,与实验数据对比,仿真结果和实验数据吻合较好,加深了对 LHP 系统运行机理的理解.通过实验和动态仿真结果对系统结构进行优化,为应用在电子器件散热的高效率平板式 mLHP 系统的设计与优化提供依据.

Loop heat pipe (LHP) is a heat transfer device which operating principle is based on the evaporation and condensation of a working fluid, and which use the capillary pumping forces to ensure the fluid circulation. A miniature loop heat pipe (mLHP) made of stainless steel and ammonia as the working fluid is developed to study the start-up performance with different heat loads and the operating characteristics under step power cycles. And a mathematical model is developed to simulate the transport performance of the mLHP system by analyzing the operation mechanism of the mLHP. The experimental results show that the mLHP could achieve steady state in very short time at different heat loads and the response to the step power is speedy. The simulation of the system shows that the changes in pressure, temperature and mass-flux rate with the time of each zone of mLHP successfully and the simulated results fit for the experimental results very well. With the experimental and simulated results, the physical mechanism of transport process of mLHP with a flat evaporator is verified. The results of experiment and simulation are useful to design and optimize the structure of an mLHP, and used of heat dissipation of electronic apparatus.


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