


采用复合沉淀法制备了具有良好烧结活性的纳米级Y1.34Gd0.60Eu0.06O3粉体. 经850℃/2h煅烧后, 得到晶粒尺寸为30~40nm, 且基本无团聚的Y1.34Gd0.60Eu0.06O3发光粉体, 粉体比表面积为23m2/g. 该粉体经过适当的干压和等静压成型后, 于1800℃以上温度烧结6h, 可以获得Y1.34Gd0.60Eu0.06O3透明陶瓷. 获得的透明陶瓷材料在波长250nm的紫外光激发下发射出较强的红光, 发射主峰位于610nm, 对应于掺杂Eu3+5D0-7F2跃迁.

Y1.34Gd0.60Eu0.06O3 nanopowders with high sinterability were prepared via a complex co-precipitation
method. The nanopowder obtained has an average particle size of 30~40nm, weakly agglomerate after calcining at 850℃ for 2h. After dry-pressed and
isostatic pressed at 200MPa, the green body can be sintered to transparency at 1800℃ for 6h. The as-sintered transparent ceramics show
intense red luminescence at 610nm under 250nm UV excitation, corresponding to 5D0-7F2 transition of Eu3+ ion.


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