利用流变相反应法制备得到Zn_(1-x)Co_xO(x=0.02、0.04、0.06、0.08)稀磁半导体材料.X射线衍射分析,发现Co的掺杂并未改变 ZnO的纤锌矿结构,并没有杂质相的生成,衍射峰的峰位随着Co掺杂向高角度移动,Co已进入ZnO晶格.电镜及吸收光谱进一步表明样品中没有第二相的出现,Co~(2+)成功掺入ZnO晶格.采用超导量子干涉磁强仪测量Zn_(0.96)Co_(0.04)O的磁性,样品在300K存在明显的磁饱和现象和磁滞回线,表明具有室温下铁磁性,其磁性来源可以用束缚磁极化子(BMPs)模型解释.
Zn_(1-x)Co_xO(x=0.02,0.04,0.06,0.08) diluted magnetic semiconductors were synthesized by rheological phase reaction-precursor method.No secondary phase was observed with the sensitivity of XRD measurement.Electron microscope photos and absorption spectra results indicated that Co~(2+) successfully incorporated into the wurtzite lattice at the Zn~(2+) sites.The measurement of magnetism was carried out by using a superconducting quantum interference device (SQUID),it reveals that the Zn_(0.96)Co_(0.04)O powder clearly exhibit room-temperature ferromagnetic behavior.The mechanism of this phenomenon is discussed with the BMPs theory.
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