


为了简化工艺及提高性能,采用热压烧结一步法制备C_f/Cu复合材料.研究了C_f/Cu复合材料的界面反应原理、微观形貌及不同的Ti添加量对复合材料密度、硬度、强度等性能的影响.结果表明:Cu-C-Ti三元体系,在低于1100℃,碳纤维表面生成TiC层,该反应层降低了液态Cu与碳纤维的润湿角,改善了Cu与碳纤维的界面结合.探讨了TiC层的形成机制,提出了溶解在Cu液中的Ti原子与碳纤维接触生成TiC的微观反应模型.TiC层的形成有利于提高复合材料的性能.当Ti的质量分数为16.7%时,C_f/Cu复合材料的综合性能最好,其肖氏硬度高达HS66.94,抗弯强度为97.59 MPa.

For getting better properties and simplifying the process, the C_f/Cu composites were prepared by one-step hot-pressing sintering. The mechanism of the interface reaction between Cu and carbon fiber (C_f)and the microstructure of C_f/Cu composites were studied. The effects of different Ti contents on the density, hardness and bending strength of C_f/Cu composites were investigated. The results indicate that TiC layer surrounding C_f is generated in the ternary system of Cu - C - Ti and the TiC layer decreases the wetting angle between the liquid Cu and the solid C_f, which improves the combination between Cu and C_f. The mechanism of formation of TiC layer was discussed and a microstrueture model of the reaction between Ti dissolved in the liquid Cu and C was brought forward. The formation of TiC layer is good for increasing the properties of the composites. When the mass fraction of Ti is 16.7%, the synthetic properties of the composites are the best in this system with Shore hardness HS66.94 and flexural strength 97.59 MPa.


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