The microstructure and creep features of the solution and aging treated alloy has been investigated.The results show that,after solution and aging treatment,the microstructure of the alloy consists of larger grains with obvious twinning features.Moreover,a great deal of fine γ′ and γ″ phases precipitate in the grains,which can enhance the creep resistance of the alloy.In the ranges of experimental stress and temperature,the creep active energy is about 537.8kJ/mol,and the alloy is sensitive to the applied stress and temperature.During creep,the deformation features of the alloy are dislocation slipping with single or double orientations and twinning deformation.As the creep goes on,the initiation and propagation of the cracks along the grain boundaries lead to intergranular fracture,which is thought to be the fracture mechanism of the alloy.
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