


Bonding of Si3N4 ceramic was performed with Y2O3-Al2O3-SiO2(YAS)-X glass solders,which were mixed with TiO2 (YT) and Si3N4 (YN), respectively. The effects of bonding conditions and interfacial reaction on the joint strength were studied. The joint strength in different bonding conditions was measured by four-point bending tests. The interfacial microstructures were observed and analyzed by SEM, EPMA and XRD. It is shown that with the increase of bonding temperature and holding time, the joint strength increases reaching a peak, and then decreases. When TiO2 is put into YAS solder,the bonding interface with Si3N4/(Y-Sialon glass+TiN)/TiN/Y-Sialon glass is formed. When YAS solder is mixed with Si3N4 powder, the interfacial residual thermal stress may be decreased, and then the joint strength is enhanced. According to microanalyses, the bonding strength is related to interfacial reaction.


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