


采用传统的高温固相法合成了蓝色长余辉发光材料Sr_2Al_6O_(11)∶Eu~(2+),Dy~(3+),系统研究了烧结温度对Eu~(2+)和Dy~(3+)共掺杂蓝色铝酸锶长余辉材料物相及发光性能的影响.用X射线衍射仪对所合成的材料进行物相分析,用荧光分光光度计记录了样品的激发光谱和发射光谱,用亮度计记录其余辉衰减曲线.结果表明:随着烧结温度从1100 ℃升高到1300 ℃,材料的物相由富锶相逐渐向富铝相转变,其中1200 ℃条件下合成的样品主相为Sr_2Al_6O_(11);发射光谱首先发生蓝移,随后又发生红移,其中1200 ℃条件下合成的样品发射光谱峰值波长最短(468 nm);主相为Sr_2Al_6O_(11)的蓝色铝酸锶长余辉材料的余辉时间(≥1 mcd/m2)可达240 min以上.

Blue-emitting long-lasting phosphors Sr_2Al_6O_(11)∶Eu~(2+),Dy~(3+) were synthesized by conventional solid state reaction method. The effects of sintering temperature on the phase-formation and the luminescent properties of the Eu~(2+)and Dy~(3+) co-doped blue strontium aluminates were investigated. Phase identification was carried out by X-ray powder diffraction analysis. Excitation and emission spectra were recorded using a luminescence spectrometer, and afterglow curves were measured by a photometer. The results revealed that with the calcining temperature rising from 1100 ℃ to 1300 ℃ gradually, the aluminate rich in strontium changed to the aluminate rich in aluminum while emission band shifted to the shorter wavelength side, and then to the longer wavelength side. The phosphor with a main phase Sr_2Al_6O_(11) and an emission peak at shortest wavelength of 468 nm was synthesized with a calcining temperature of 1200 ℃.The decay time (≥1 mcd/m2) of the phosphor whose main phase was Sr_2Al_6O_(11) reached 240 min.


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