


中药提取物是一个组成复杂、机理不明晰的混合物体系,其对靶标的作用是其中所有化合物的综合影响,如何表征和评价其生物活性值得深入研究。本文采用羟丙基葡聚糖凝胶色谱柱分离西青果乙醇提取物,得到29组成分连续变化的样品,采集样品的色谱信息(254 nm 波长下)与活性信息,运用逐步回归法建立成分的峰面积( Vi,自变量)与活性(以对酶的抑制率(W)表示,因变量)之间的数学方程,确定对活性影响显著的成分。结果表明,29组样品包含55个峰,这些峰对应成分的峰面积( Vi,i =1,2,…,55)与 W 之间存在数学关系:W = V7×(-0.034±0.013)+V18×(-0.155±0.051)+V29×(-0.142±0.028)+V4×(0.079±0.020)+V11×(0.074±0.028)+V36×(-0.117±0.053)+85.669±4.476,复相关系数 R =0.854,显著度=0.037,稳健性良好,对活性影响最显著的物质为第18、29、36、4、11和7号峰对应的化合物。该方法同样适用于不同中药资源的成分与多种不同活性等方面的研究,对于中药的研发具有重要意义。

The extracts from Chinese herbs are complex compounds with uncertain mechanism, which affects the target with all ingredients. Therefore,it is of great importance to evaluate the bioactivity of these extracts. In this study,29 samples which had continuous variation of constitu-ents were obtained from the alcohol extract of Terminalia chebula Retz. by a Sephadex LH-20 size exclusion chromatographic column. After detecting the chromatographic information of detection wavelength at 254 nm and the activity information of these samples,the mathematical relationship equation was established to determine the impact on the active components. Step-wise regression method was used to research the relationship between the peak areas(V i,inde-pendent variables)of the compositions in the samples and activities(according to the enzyme inhibition(W),dependent variables). The results showed that there were 55 chromatographic peaks in the samples and the mathematical relationship between the compositions of Terminalia chebula Retz. extract(V i ,i = 1,2,…,55)and activities was certain. The expression was:W =V7 ×(-0. 034±0. 013)+V18 ×(-0. 155±0. 051)+V29 ×( -0. 142±0. 028)+V 4 ×(0. 079±0. 020)+V 11 ×(0. 074± 0. 028)+V36 ×( -0. 117±0. 053)+85. 669±4. 476,multiple correlation coefficient R = 0. 854,signifi-cance level(Sig. F change)= 0. 037. The steadiness of model was favorable with new digital infor-mation. The compounds corresponding to 18 th ,29 th ,36 th ,4 th ,11 th and 7 th peaks were the main active compounds. The method can be also applied to the relationship between a wide variety of components of traditional Chinese medicine resources and different kinds of activities. It is signif-icant to the research and development of traditional Chinese medicine.


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