


对高性能桥梁钢的成分进行了设计,并通过不同的控轧控冷工艺轧制成不同板厚的钢板。钢板经过回火后,进行了力学性能的测试及组织分析。结果表明,高性能桥梁钢回火后的强度较高,屈服强度达到600 MPa以上,伸长率达到20%以上。由于轧制工艺的不同,不同板厚的钢板冲击性能有较大的差距;显微组织主要由粒状贝氏体和板条贝氏体组成。测定了高性能桥梁钢的连续冷却转变曲线,结果表明:实际生产中,应将冷速控制在10~30℃/s,开始冷却温度约780℃,此时的相变组织为较均匀的贝氏体组织。

The composition of a high performance bridge steel was designed and its plates with different thickness were rolled by controlled rolling and cooling technique.Mechanical properties of the high performance bridge steel were measured and its microstruture was analyzed after the steel plates were tempered at 640 ℃.The results indicate that the high performance bridge steel plates with thickness of 30 mm to 50 mm exhibit better properties with yield strength larger than 600 MPa and elongation higher than 20%.In addition,different impact property is observed for the steel plates with differet thickness due to their different cooling rate in rolling process.The microstrucure of bridge steel mainly consists of granular bainite and lath bainite.Furthermore,the CCT curves of the bridge steel was measured.It illustrates that homogeneous bainite microstructure can be obtained for the rolled steed under cooling rate from 10 to 30 ℃/s with initial cooling temperature higher than 780 ℃ in practical production.


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