The passivation technologies for preparing composite passivation films on electroplated Zn and Zn alloy coatings from Cr-free molybdate solution containing formulated inorganic salts and organic compounds were introduced in relation to increasing thickness of the passivation film, sealing micro-cracks and improving corrosion resistance of the film. It was pointed out in the history of study on Cr-free molybdate passivation solution, a transition from molybdate plus phosphate systems to the same systems doped with inorganic and/or organic additives had been involved.One of the most successful passivation solution was molybdate-silane combinatory system, which could be used to prepare passivation films with nearly the same, comparable or better corrosion resistanee as compared with chromate passivation film. Finally,some problems along with Cr-free passivation solution for electroplated Zn and Zn alloy coatings were suggested.
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