采用熔体快淬方法制备4种厚度的Fe83Ga17合金薄带, 研究了不同厚度薄带的组织结构和磁致伸缩性能. 合金薄带的组织结构和磁致伸缩性能与快淬时的冷速密切相关, 12 m/s制备的75 μm厚薄带的磁致伸缩系数λ值最高, 达到了-2100×10-6; XRD和DSC分析确定了在厚度为45, 55和75 μm薄带中出现了有序的D03结构相, 75 μm厚薄带在669℃发生A2+D03→A2的相转变; 对薄带组织形貌的观察发现, 提高快淬的冷速有利于抑制富Ga相的析出. 薄带样品大的磁致伸缩效应主要来源于析出的特殊D03结构相和薄带样品大的形状各向异性.
The ribbons with different thickness of Fe83Ga17 alloy were prepared by the melt-spun and the microstrcucture and magntostriction were investigated. It was found that the magnetostriction was related to the thickness of ribbons and the maximum magnetostriction of -2100 ×10-6 has been obtained in the ribbon with thickness of 75 μm. The XRD and DSC results showed that DO3 structure emerges in those ribbons with thickness of 45、55、75μm. The transition of A2+DO3→A2 occurred at 669℃ for the ribbon of 75 μm. The microstructure of ribbons showed that the increase of melt-spun cooling rate can restrain the precipitation of Ga-rich phase. It is considered that the giat magnetostriction of ribbons originates from the A2 +special DO3 structure and shape magnetic anisotropy .
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