


竖炉内煤气流的分布主宰着其内温度分布、煤气利用率和金属化率的高低,其上部调节方式仅有布料模式。通过引入离散颗粒动力学理论,基于经典牛顿力学和颗粒碰撞软球模型建立了针对COREX 3000竖炉布料过程的离散元数值模拟模型,模型直观可视化再现装料过程,可定量获得料流轨迹、炉料落点及形成料堆的过程。应用模型进一步分析混装2种不同粒径颗粒,获得了炉料运动及形成的料堆过程,发现混装布料过程粒度偏析严重。建立的模型可为寻找和优化合理的布料模式提供重要研究基础。

The gas distribution in a shaft furnace dominates the temperature profile, gas utilization ratio, metallization degree and is the only means for regulating the gas flow distribution. Through introducing kinematic theory of granular, a numerical simulation model of burden distribution in the shaft furnace of COREX 3000 was developed by means of discrete element method (DEM) based on the Newton second law and soft-sphere contact model. The model can intuitively and visually reproduce the charging process, and quantitatively access the material flow trajectories, landing and forming process of the burden surface shape. Applying the model to further analyze the mixing charging process of two different diameter particle, obtained the charge movement process and the formation of the stockpile and found that size segregation is serious. Therefore, the model provides an important research base established model to find and optimize the charge patterns.


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