


采用Gleeble1500型热模拟试验机进行单轴热压缩实验, 研究了4种不同原始晶粒尺寸的低碳钢在变形温度为700 和600 ℃, 应变速率为10 1--10 3 s-1条件下的变形特性 及组织演变规律, 探讨了原始晶粒尺寸和热加工参数Z$值 对铁素体动态再结晶过程的影响. 结果表明: 在本实验变 形条件范围内, 4种不同原始晶粒尺寸的低碳钢均可发生铁 素体动态再结晶, 原始晶粒尺寸的减小, 不但在恒定$Z$值条 件下有利于动态再结晶过程的进行, 而且使铁素体可以发生 动态再结晶的临界Z值和发生不连续动态再结晶的临界Z值均 增大. 形变强化相变生成的细小铁素体晶粒在热变形时易于 发生动态再结晶, 只要控制好热加工参数, 可以利用动态再 结晶过程, 进一步细化形变强化相变生成的铁素体晶粒.

The hot deformation behavior and the microstructure evolution of a low carbon steel with different initial grain sizes are investigated by uniaxial hot compression at deformation temperatures of 700 ℃ and 600 ℃ and strain rates of 10 s-1 to 10-3 s-1. The effect of initial grain size and hot deformation parameter Z on dynamic recrystallization of ferrite is approached. The results indicate that under the present deformation conditions, the dynamic recrystallization of ferrite takes place in the low carbon steel. The decrease of initial grain size is not only of benefit to the dynamic recrystallization of ferrite at a certain Z value, but also leads to the increase of the critical values of Z for both the dynamic recrystallization of ferrite and the discontinuous dynamic recrystallization of ferrite. It is suggested that the fine ferrite formed by deformation enhanced transformation is beneficial to the occurrence of dynamic recrystallization of ferrite during hot deformation. Further refinement of the fine ferrite can be realized by the dynamic recrystallization of ferrite under a suitable Z value.


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