


以铝灰、粉煤灰和碳黑为主要原料,采用碳热铝热复合还原氮化工艺制备了Sialon粉体.研究了原料组成(Si/Al比分别为1.5、1和0.27)、碳黑含量(分别为10%、17%、22%和27%)以及合成反应温度(分别为1400, 1450, 1500 ℃)对生成物相的影响.结果表明,合成温度为1450 ℃,可以得到较纯的物相;随着还原剂碳黑含量的增加,使还原氮化反应进行的更为充分;在原料中Si/Al比为1时,加入17%的碳黑可以得到主要物相为Si_3Al_3O_3N_55(β-Sialon,z=3)和SiAl_4O_2N_4(15R)的产物;在原料中Si/Al比为1.5时,即加入80%的粉煤灰,在1450 ℃可以制备较纯的Si_3Al_3O_3N_5粉.

Sialon powders were synthesized using aluminium dross, fly ash and carbon black as main starting materials by the C-Al compound reduction and nitridation process. The effects of different factors on the phase of products were studied, such as the compositions of raw material (the proportion of Si/Al is 1.5, 1 and 0.27), the content of carbon black (10%, 17%, 22% and 27%) and heating temperature (1400,1450 and 1500℃). The results show that the relatively pure Sialon powders can be obtained at 1450 ℃; the process of reduction-nitridation is effectively accelerated by the increase of the carbon black content. When the proportion of Si/Al is about 1, the main phases of products are Si_3Al_3O_3N_5(β-Sialon,z=3) and SiAl_4O_2N_4(15R) using 17% carbon black; at 1450℃, a nearly pure Sialon powder ( the main phase is Si_3Al_3O_3N_5) can be obtained when the proportion of Si/Al is about 1.5 and the fly ash content is 80%.


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