


研究了4种碳含量分别为0.15 %、0.18 %、0.23 %和0.30 %的空冷贝氏体钢的冲击磨损性能,并用扫描电镜观察了磨损表面的形貌特征。结果发现,随着碳含量的提高,冲击磨损速率降低,碳含量分别为0.18 %、0.23 %和0.30 %的3种贝氏体钢的冲击磨损速率相近。前3种低碳空冷贝氏体钢的磨损表面除了有磨损犁沟外,还存在唇状裂纹。碳含量越低,磨损表面越粗糙。所研究的4种贝氏体钢中,当抗拉强度超过1 550 MPa时,容易形成穿透性裂纹。

The impact property of four air-cooled bainitic steels containing carbon 0.15, 0.18, 0.23 and 0.30 % respectively was studied. The morphology of worn surfaces has been investigated by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The results indicated that the wear rate decreases with increasing carbon content. Three bainitic steels containing 0.18、 0.23 and 0.30 % C exhibit a similar impact wear rate. The plough grooves and lip-like cracks on worn surfaces of three low carbon air-cooled bainitic steels were found. The lower carbon level the steel contains, the rougher the worn surface. For the four experimental bainitic steels, when tensile strength is more than 1 550 MPa, the transverse cracks may generate easily under the high energy impact wear condition.


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