


采用敏化–活化两步法对云母粉进行预处理后再化学镀银。研究了镀液pH、银含量和云母粉与AgNO3质量比对镀银云母粉导电性的影响。通过红外光谱仪和X射线衍射仪表征了镀银云母粉的组织结构。通过表面形貌分析,研究了粗化预处理对云母粉化学镀银效果的影响。结果表明,粗化可提高粉体表面的粗糙度,使后续银镀层更致密。当AgNO3投加量为15 g/L,云母粉与AgNO3质量比为2.5∶1,pH为12时,银沉积率最高,镀银云母粉的表面形貌和导电性最好(体积电阻率约0.088?·cm)。化学镀银云母粉有望替代部分银粉作为导电填料,并在涂料或塑料等高分子材料中应用。

Mica powder was subjected to electroless silver plating after pretreatment by a two-step method comprising sensitization and activation. The influences of pH, silver content, and mass ratio of mica powder to AgNO3 of plating bath on the conductivity of electroless silver plated mica powder were studied. The structure of electroless silver plated mica powder was characterized using infrared spectrometer and X-ray diffractometer. The effect of roughening pretreatment on electroless silver plating was studied by surface morphology analysis. The results showed that roughening improves the roughness of powder and increases the density of silver coating prepared thereon. Under the conditions of a dosage of AgNO3 15 g/L, a mass ratio of mica powder to AgNO3 2.5:1, and pH 12, the deposition rate of silver is the highest, and the electroless silver plated mica powder has the best surface morphology and lowest conductivity (volume resistivity 0.088 ?·cm). Electroless silver plated mica powder is a promising alternative to part of silver powder to serve as conductive filler and apply to coatings, plastics, and other high-molecular-weight polymer materials.


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