在油田中管材应用种类繁多,难免存在不同材料的耦接使用.应用电化学法和溶液浸泡方法研究了P110SS-Inconel 718两种材料耦接的电偶对在含高Cl-的饱和CO2溶液中的电偶腐蚀行为,用扫描电镜(SEM)观察电偶对材料浸泡后的腐蚀形貌.结果表明:在Cl-浓度不变的情况下,随着溶液介质温度的升高,两种材料的自腐蚀电位均有不同程度的降低;耦接后,电偶对的电偶电流密度随着温度的升高而增大,表面腐蚀坑明显增深.浸泡试验表明:耦接后作为阳极的P110SS的腐蚀程度相比单独浸泡时加剧.
The variety of tubular goods are various in oil fields, so the connection of different mateials is inevitabe in working. Galvanic corrosion behaviors of Inconel 718-P110SS in brine saturated with CO2 were studied by potentiodynamic polarization curves, galvanic method and immersion test. The surface corrosion morphology of the couple samples was observed by means of SEM. The results showed that the free corrosion potential of two samples decreased, and the couple current density increases with the rise of solution temperature when the concentration of Cl-was invariable. The corrosion rate of P110SS increased obviously under coupling condition.
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